BRUHIN, ANTON: “Rotomotor” Amazing original artifact by this experimental composer from Switzerland. On this LP, Bruhin single-handedly creates some of the most austere and primitively astonishing electro-acoustic compositions, all executed in an almost stone-age primeval and primordial crude manner. This becomes apparent in his modus operandi, mainly only exploiting two cassette machines and the pause-button that he employs to edit his sonic excursions. So how much more sincerely primitive can one possibly get? The sidelong title track is the piece de resistance, an ear-wrapping hypnotic mind bender that cajoles into a mesmerizing and bewitchingly soporific minimal composition for tape and voice. Early on, Nurse With Wound hailed Bruhin as one of the obscure heroic pioneers of experimental music, it is evident that his use of tape-echo and voice techniques and exploring vocal mutation put him alongside sonic poetry artists such as Brion Gysin, Henry Chopin. “Far away sounds coming from a cosmic dimension or from an abyssal space, moving fore and back. The loss of sound quality considered as stoned space improvement. 'rotomotor: ein motorische Idiotikon', the title track, is a 28 minutes long reading, one of Bruhin's major works. Rotomotor is a poetic Idiotikon of the Swiss-German dialect where, instead of the straight alphabetical order, the words are organized according to the similarities of their letters (each word differ from the previous one by just one letter). For this reading a delay equipment which repeated the signal after 0.6 seconds was used and each word is superimposed to the echo of the preceding one. On one hand this echo generates the rhythm of the performance, on the other it supports the acoustic metamorphosis of the words. Again, a very simple concept perfectly accomplished. What results from the whole program is maybe difficult to describe, maybe more easily perceivable in a state of alternate consciousness. But surely a quite unique sense of acoustics approach; so no surprise to see him mentioned in the mythical Nurse With Wound reference list. Chance meeting in an Alpine chalet of a roto-Bruhin and an AKRE.” (Ubuweb)
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