
音楽 : Walter Zimmermann "Voces" (小杉武久関連)

Walter Zimmermann "Voces" [3CD Box + 142-page Book]

Label: Mode mode335​-​337

フェルドマンやケージの制約された美的センスに影響されつつも、土着感覚を忘れずに独自の特異なアプローチを追求したドイツの作曲家Walter Zimmermann。米現音の老舗Modeから5タイトル目となる2022年新作は、主に氏の声楽作品と珍しいドキュメント的録音を纏め上げた1979~2016年までの3CDアーカイヴボックス。ロックやポップ等氏の異なる側面が確認出来る面白作品集であり マース・カニングハム・ダンス・カンパニーの音楽家を含む様々な人物達がサポート。付属の142ページにはエッセイや貴重な写真資料が掲載されています。

This deluxe 3-CD set comes with a 142-page book containing
the complete song texts (with translations) and essays by Albert
Breier and Christopher Fox. Lavishly illustrated with photos
and art by Nanne Meyer. Packaged in a slipcase.

Voces is a collection of rare recordings documenting
many of Walter Zimmermann’s compositions for voices
from 1979–2016. The words set to music range from
Meister Eckhart and Hadewijch to Michail Lermontov, Ossip
Mandelstam, Edmond Jabès, Tomas Tranströmer, Felix Philipp
Ingold and Robert Creeley (with Creely’s voice accompanying
the musicians).

Performers include: Claudia Barainsky, Tehila Nini Goldstein,
Sheva Tehoval / Magda Łapaj, Peter Schöne / Jan Philip
Schulze, Neue Vocalsolisten Stuttgart, KNM Ensemble, Walter
Zimmermann and Band and the musicians of the Merce
Cunningham Dance Company with David Tudor, Takehisha
Kosugi, D’Arcy Gray, John D. S. Adams.

A rare recording from 1982 was recently discovered:
“Freunde/Friends” sung and played by Walter Zimmermann
and his rock/pop/new music band during their U.S. Tour in Los
Angeles, showing a very different musical side of Walter

The deluxe 3-CD set comes with a 142-page book containing
the complete song texts (with translations) and essays by Albert
Breier and Christopher Fox. Lavishly illustrated with photos
and art by Nanne Meyer. Packaged in a slipcase.