
音楽 : The Fugs' Songbook!

The Fugs' Songbook! [w. Gerard Malanga's address]

Ed Sanders, ed. New York: Fuck You Press, 1965. Softcover. 27pp. (11 ¼ x 8 ½ in.). Sidestapled. Annotated on back cover, likely in the hand of Gerard Malanga, "Gerard Malanga Andy Warhol 231 E. 4th St. CL5-9941 After 2:00 PM." Very good condition.

Formed by Ed Sanders and Tuli Kupferberg, The Fugs took their name from a euphemism for "fuck" used in Norman Mailer's novel, The Naked and The Dead. Sanders produced this book of Fugs' lyrics through his small edition press out of the Lower East Side in New York. Gerard Malanga's name and address are found on the back cover of this copy in a handwriting closely matching his own - an as-yet-unsolved mystery attached to this issue.

音楽 : 小杉武久

小杉武久の映像と音楽 単行本 – 2018/1/27

インストラクション・ワークス 単行本 – 2017/12/9

音楽 : 小杉武久 - 100枚限定自主制作盤 (コジマ録音)

小杉武久 - 100枚限定自主制作盤 (コジマ録音) 

カタログ番号から1978年のプレスを推測することもできます。Side Bは1978年4月4日の録音で、吉村弘の音源かもしれませんがクレジットは一切なし。