
音楽 : Merzbow – Collection 001-010


Merzbow – Collection 001-010


Urashima – USHI 016


10 x CD, Album
ボックスセット, Compilation, Limited Edition, Numbered, RemasteredWooden Box








AbstractMusique ConcrèteNoiseIndustrial


Collection 001
1-1001 A
Tape [Tapes], Electronics [Microphone], Effects [Echo Machine], Violin, Drums, Voice, Effects – Kiyoshi MizutaniMasami Akita
1-2001 B
Tape [Tapes], Acoustic Guitar, Percussion [Synare 3], Recorder, Voice, Other [Records], Effects – Kiyoshi MizutaniMasami Akita
Collection 002
2-1002 A
Tape [Tapes], Violin, Percussion [Synare 3], Organ, Other [Radio], Percussion, Effects – Kiyoshi MizutaniMasami Akita
2-2002 B
Tape [Tapes], Guitar, Other [Radio], Percussion [Synare 3], Recorder, Effects – Kiyoshi MizutaniMasami Akita
Collection 003
3-1003 A
Clarinet, Organ – Kazuto Shimizu
Tape [Tapes], Guitar, Violin, Percussion, Effects – Kiyoshi MizutaniMasami Akita
3-2003 B1
Clarinet, Organ – Kazuto Shimizu
Tape [Tapes], Violin, Effects, Percussion [Synare 3] – Kiyoshi MizutaniMasami Akita
3-3003 B2
Clarinet, Organ – Kazuto Shimizu
Tape [Tapes], Violin, Effects, Percussion [Synare 3] – Kiyoshi MizutaniMasami Akita
Collection 004
4-1004 A
Piano, Violin, Harmonica, Guitar – Kiyoshi Mizutani
Tape [Tapes], Acoustic Guitar [Prepared], Percussion, Other [Radio], Noises [Noise], Effects [Ring Modulator] – Masami Akita
4-2004 B1
Piano, Violin, Harmonica, Guitar – Kiyoshi Mizutani
Tape [Tapes], Acoustic Guitar [Prepared], Percussion, Other [Radio], Noises [Noise], Effects [Ring Modulator] – Masami Akita
4-3004 B2
Piano, Violin, Harmonica, Guitar – Kiyoshi Mizutani
Tape [Tapes], Acoustic Guitar [Prepared], Percussion, Other [Radio], Noises [Noise], Effects [Ring Modulator] – Masami Akita
Collection 005
5-1005 A1
Piano, Violin, Tabla, Percussion – Kiyoshi Mizutani
Tape [Tapes], Drums, Percussion, Percussion [Synare 3], Acoustic Guitar [Prepared], Effects [Ring Modulator], Noises [Noise] – Masami Akita
5-2005 A2
Piano, Violin, Tabla, Percussion – Kiyoshi Mizutani
Tape [Tapes], Drums, Percussion, Percussion [Synare 3], Acoustic Guitar [Prepared], Effects [Ring Modulator], Noises [Noise] – Masami Akita
5-3005 B1
Piano, Violin, Tabla, Percussion – Kiyoshi Mizutani
Tape [Tapes], Drums, Percussion, Percussion [Synare 3], Acoustic Guitar [Prepared], Effects [Ring Modulator], Noises [Noise] – Masami Akita
5-4005 B2
Piano, Violin, Tabla, Percussion – Kiyoshi Mizutani
Tape [Tapes], Drums, Percussion, Percussion [Synare 3], Acoustic Guitar [Prepared], Effects [Ring Modulator], Noises [Noise] – Masami Akita
5-5005 B3
Piano, Violin, Tabla, Percussion – Kiyoshi Mizutani
Tape [Tapes], Drums, Percussion, Percussion [Synare 3], Acoustic Guitar [Prepared], Effects [Ring Modulator], Noises [Noise] – Masami Akita
5-6005 B4
Piano, Violin, Tabla, Percussion – Kiyoshi Mizutani
Tape [Tapes], Drums, Percussion, Percussion [Synare 3], Acoustic Guitar [Prepared], Effects [Ring Modulator], Noises [Noise] – Masami Akita
Collection 006
6-1006 A1
Acoustic Guitar [Prepared], Guitar, Recorder, Violin, Organ, Percussion [Synare 3], Strings [Rubber Band Bass], Other [Radio], Electric Guitar, Piano, Drum Machine [Rhythm Box], Tape [Tapes], Tabla, Drums, Percussion, Voice, Effects – Masami Akita
Performer [Plays Various Instruments On Source Materials] – Kiyoshi Mizutani
6-2006 A2
Acoustic Guitar [Prepared], Guitar, Recorder, Violin, Organ, Percussion [Synare 3], Strings [Rubber Band Bass], Other [Radio], Electric Guitar, Piano, Drum Machine [Rhythm Box], Tape [Tapes], Tabla, Drums, Percussion, Voice, Effects – Masami Akita
Performer [Plays Various Instruments On Source Materials] – Kiyoshi Mizutani
6-3006 B1
Acoustic Guitar [Prepared], Guitar, Recorder, Violin, Organ, Percussion [Synare 3], Strings [Rubber Band Bass], Other [Radio], Electric Guitar, Piano, Drum Machine [Rhythm Box], Tape [Tapes], Tabla, Drums, Percussion, Voice, Effects – Masami Akita
Performer [Plays Various Instruments On Source Materials] – Kiyoshi Mizutani
Collection 007
7-1Merzrock B1 + Dubbing 5
Synthesizer – Kiyoshi Mizutani
Tape [Tapes], Acoustic Guitar [Prepared], Electronics [Merztronics], Electric Guitar, Percussion [Synare 3], Percussion [With Ring Modulator], Noises [Junk Noise], Effects – Masami Akita
7-2Merzrock A1 + Anemic Pop 1
Synthesizer – Kiyoshi Mizutani
Tape [Tapes], Acoustic Guitar [Prepared], Electronics [Merztronics], Electric Guitar, Percussion [Synare 3], Percussion [With Ring Modulator], Noises [Junk Noise], Effects – Masami Akita
7-3Merzrock A1 + Anemic Pop 2
Synthesizer – Kiyoshi Mizutani
Tape [Tapes], Acoustic Guitar [Prepared], Electronics [Merztronics], Electric Guitar, Percussion [Synare 3], Percussion [With Ring Modulator], Noises [Junk Noise], Effects – Masami Akita
7-4E-Study #3-1 + Merz Solo 1
Tape [Tapes], Acoustic Guitar [Prepared], Electronics [Merztronics], Electric Guitar, Percussion [Synare 3], Percussion [With Ring Modulator], Noises [Junk Noise], Effects – Masami Akita
7-5E-Study #3-1 + Merz Solo 2
Tape [Tapes], Acoustic Guitar [Prepared], Electronics [Merztronics], Electric Guitar, Percussion [Synare 3], Percussion [With Ring Modulator], Noises [Junk Noise], Effects – Masami Akita
Collection 008
8-1Concrete Tape ph#1~
Tape [Tapes], Acoustic Guitar, Percussion [Synare 3], Strings [Rubber Band Bass], Drum Machine [Rhythm Box], Loops [Tape Loop], Drums, Percussion, Recorder [Broken Tape Recorder], Violin, Electronics [Merztronics], Effects – Masami Akita
8-2E8 A1 + 006 A1
Tape [Tapes], Acoustic Guitar, Percussion [Synare 3], Strings [Rubber Band Bass], Drum Machine [Rhythm Box], Loops [Tape Loop], Drums, Percussion, Recorder [Broken Tape Recorder], Violin, Electronics [Merztronics], Effects – Masami Akita
8-3Merzsolo 10 / 6.81 A1
Tape [Tapes], Acoustic Guitar, Percussion [Synare 3], Strings [Rubber Band Bass], Drum Machine [Rhythm Box], Loops [Tape Loop], Drums, Percussion, Recorder [Broken Tape Recorder], Violin, Electronics [Merztronics], Effects – Masami Akita
8-4E8 B2 / Concrete Tape ph#1~
Tape [Tapes], Acoustic Guitar, Percussion [Synare 3], Strings [Rubber Band Bass], Drum Machine [Rhythm Box], Loops [Tape Loop], Drums, Percussion, Recorder [Broken Tape Recorder], Violin, Electronics [Merztronics], Effects – Masami Akita
8-5Sans Titre Merz1 + Tape Loops
Tape [Tapes], Acoustic Guitar, Percussion [Synare 3], Strings [Rubber Band Bass], Drum Machine [Rhythm Box], Loops [Tape Loop], Drums, Percussion, Recorder [Broken Tape Recorder], Violin, Electronics [Merztronics], Effects – Masami Akita
8-6E6 A3+Concrete Tape ph#1~
Tape [Tapes], Acoustic Guitar, Percussion [Synare 3], Strings [Rubber Band Bass], Drum Machine [Rhythm Box], Loops [Tape Loop], Drums, Percussion, Recorder [Broken Tape Recorder], Violin, Electronics [Merztronics], Effects – Masami Akita
8-7Merzsolo 10 / 6.81 A5 + Violin
Tape [Tapes], Acoustic Guitar, Percussion [Synare 3], Strings [Rubber Band Bass], Drum Machine [Rhythm Box], Loops [Tape Loop], Drums, Percussion, Recorder [Broken Tape Recorder], Violin, Electronics [Merztronics], Effects – Masami Akita
Collection 009
9-1N.A.M. 4 + E8
Performer [Plays Various Instruments On Source Materials] – Kiyoshi Mizutani
Tape [Tapes], Piano, Violin, Guitar, Percussion [Synare 3], Drum Machine [Rhythm Box], Loops [Tape Loop], Percussion, Effects – Masami Akita
9-2Telecom 1 / 3 + N.A.M. 5
Performer [Plays Various Instruments On Source Materials] – Kiyoshi Mizutani
Tape [Tapes], Piano, Violin, Guitar, Percussion [Synare 3], Drum Machine [Rhythm Box], Loops [Tape Loop], Percussion, Effects – Masami Akita
Performer [Plays Various Instruments On Source Materials] – Kiyoshi Mizutani
Tape [Tapes], Piano, Violin, Guitar, Percussion [Synare 3], Drum Machine [Rhythm Box], Loops [Tape Loop], Percussion, Effects – Masami Akita
Performer [Plays Various Instruments On Source Materials] – Kiyoshi Mizutani
Tape [Tapes], Piano, Violin, Guitar, Percussion [Synare 3], Drum Machine [Rhythm Box], Loops [Tape Loop], Percussion, Effects – Masami Akita
9-5Tape Loop + Noise 1 (Concrete Tape)
Performer [Plays Various Instruments On Source Materials] – Kiyoshi Mizutani
Tape [Tapes], Piano, Violin, Guitar, Percussion [Synare 3], Drum Machine [Rhythm Box], Loops [Tape Loop], Percussion, Effects – Masami Akita
9-6Tape Loop + Noise 2 (Concrete Tape)
Performer [Plays Various Instruments On Source Materials] – Kiyoshi Mizutani
Tape [Tapes], Piano, Violin, Guitar, Percussion [Synare 3], Drum Machine [Rhythm Box], Loops [Tape Loop], Percussion, Effects – Masami Akita
Collection 010
10-1007 B1 + Ah Corps
Bass [Wood Bass], Guitar, Electronics [AIWA Uni-directional Condenser Microphone] – Kiyoshi Mizutani
Tape [Tapes], Electric Guitar, Percussion [Synare 3], Other [Radio], Strings [Rubber Band Bass], Drum Machine [Rhythm Box], Loops [Tape Loop], Drums, Percussion, Recorder [Broken Tape Recorder], Violin, Voice, Turntables [Turntable], Other [TV], Electronics [Merztronics], Electronics [AIWA Uni-directional Condenser Microphone], Effects – Masami Akita
10-2E3 B2 + Ah Corps
Bass [Wood Bass], Guitar, Electronics [AIWA Uni-directional Condenser Microphone] – Kiyoshi Mizutani
Tape [Tapes], Electric Guitar, Percussion [Synare 3], Other [Radio], Strings [Rubber Band Bass], Drum Machine [Rhythm Box], Loops [Tape Loop], Drums, Percussion, Recorder [Broken Tape Recorder], Violin, Voice, Turntables [Turntable], Other [TV], Electronics [Merztronics], Electronics [AIWA Uni-directional Condenser Microphone], Effects – Masami Akita
10-3N.A.M. 6 With Radio & Tapes
Bass [Wood Bass], Guitar, Electronics [AIWA Uni-directional Condenser Microphone] – Kiyoshi Mizutani
Tape [Tapes], Electric Guitar, Percussion [Synare 3], Other [Radio], Strings [Rubber Band Bass], Drum Machine [Rhythm Box], Loops [Tape Loop], Drums, Percussion, Recorder [Broken Tape Recorder], Violin, Voice, Turntables [Turntable], Other [TV], Electronics [Merztronics], Electronics [AIWA Uni-directional Condenser Microphone], Effects – Masami Akita




Comes in a engraved wooden box with ten individually sealed CD wallets, complete with an A4 folded insert, a 20x17 cm insert with notes in Japanese by Masami Akita, and a numbered postcard.

Limited edition of 300 hand-numbered copies.

Collection 001 and Collection 002:
Mixed at Gap Works, Tokyo on 3 June 1981.
Recorded at Lowest Music & Arts, Telecom Studio & Gap Works, Tokyo 1981.
Remastered at Munemihouse, Tokyo on March 2021.

Collection 003:
Mixed at Galapagos Studio, Tokyo on 13 June 1981.
Recorded at Lowest Music & Arts and Galapagos Studio, Tokyo 1981.
Remastered at Munemihouse, Tokyo on March 2021.

Collection 004 and Collection 005:
Mixed at Gap Works, Tokyo on 16 June 1981.
Recorded at Lowest Music & Arts and Gap Works, Tokyo 1981.
Remastered at Munemihouse, Tokyo on January 2010.

Collection 006:
Mixed at Lowest Music & Arts, Tokyo on 12 February 1982.
Recorded at Lowest Music & Arts and Telecom Studio, Tokyo 1981-1982.
Remastered at Munemihouse, Tokyo on February 2018.

Collection 007:
Mixed at Lowest Music & Arts, Tokyo on 29 October 1981.
Recorded at Lowest Music & Arts, Tokyo 1980-1981.
Remastered at Munemihouse, Tokyo on February 2010.

Collection 008:
Mixed at Lowest Music & Arts, Tokyo on 29 October 1981.
Recorded at Lowest Music & Arts, Tokyo 1981.
Remastered at Munemihouse, Tokyo on February 2018.

Collection 009:
Mixed at Lowest Music & Arts, Tokyo on 29 October 1981.
Recorded at Lowest Music & Arts, Tokyo 1981.
Remastered at Munemihouse, Tokyo on March 2021.

Collection 010:
Mixed at Lowest Music & Arts, Tokyo on 26 October 1981.
Recorded at Lowest Music & Arts, Tokyo 1981.
Remastered at Munemihouse, Tokyo on February 2018.


  • Matrix / Runout: 32451 MonotypePressing
  • Matrix / Runout: 32452 MonotypePressing
  • Matrix / Runout: 32453 MonotypePressing
  • Matrix / Runout: 32454 MonotypePressing
  • Matrix / Runout: 32455 MonotypePressing
  • Matrix / Runout: 32456 MonotypePressing
  • Matrix / Runout: 32457 MonotypePressing
  • Matrix / Runout: 32458 MonotypePressing
  • Matrix / Runout: 32459 MonotypePressing
  • Matrix / Runout: 32460 MonotypePressing
  • マスタリングSIDコード: none
  • モルドSIDコード: none