pineapple tapes (usa) #pt 10 cs
“lasting” c90 cassette
foust! - jungle fever (goldfish mix)
karla borecky - structure
graham lambkin - recycle 19
emeralds - lasting (music by john elliott, steve hauschildt, mark mcguire)
brrr - ditmas park excerpt (music by dr. timothy shortell)
dead girl's partytimothy shortellthe first pill (music by scott foust, matt krefting)
tim goss featuring beverly’s records - thunder-run
frans de waard - nijmegen hiss
asmus tietchens - s.17 a
ian middleton - forest walk
vikki jackman - a night sketch (with andrew chalk, daisuke suzuki)
weyes bluhd - all and over (music by natalie mering, edited by graham lambkin)
matt krefting - maiden voyage
the collection of the late howell bend - long fields (music by irene moon, rory hinchey)
andrew chalk - the last rose falls
idea fire company - the sinking ship (music by karla borecky, scott foust, matt krefting)
february 2009 release ; purportedly the final release from scott foust’s pineapple tapes imprint ...
sad, but a great note to end on ; this comp features something of a who’s who of the swill radio universe from the past decade or so, with multiple entries by scott foust, graham lambkin, karla borecky, matt krefting, & frans de waard, as well as cataloguers asmus tietchens, ian middleton, the shadow ring’s tim goss ... but also nice to see folks such as emeralds, andrew chalk & vikki jackman, irene moon, & weyes bluhd in the mix as well ...
90-minute tape ; chock full of great, long tracks that are, afaicg, exclusive to this edition ...