Jackson MacLow* / La Monte Young - Aspen Magazine No. 8 Fall-WinterLabel:Roaring Fork Press
Format:Flexi-disc, 8", 33 ⅓ RPM
Genre:Electronic, Non-Music
Style:Poetry, Minimal
A Jackson MacLow* - Young Turtle Asymmetries
Voice [Read By] - Anne Waldman , Carol Berge , Iris Lezak MacLow , Jackson MacLow* , Spencer Holst
B La Monte Young - Drift Study 31 1 69 Ca. 12:17:33 - 22:17:33 PM
Artwork By [Cover Painting] - Jo Baer
Compiled By [Guest Editor] - Dan Graham
Side A - Nonstanzai chance-generated poem for five simultaneous readers
Side B - May be played at any constant speed from 16 2/3 to 78 rpm
Art/Information/Science issue edited by Dan Graham.
The magazine is in 14 sections:
section 1 - folder designed by George Maciunas with texts Editorial Note and Ends by Dan Graham
section 2 - David Antin Three Musics for Two Voices (36-page booklet)
section 3 - Terry Atkinson and Michael Baldwin Hot/Cold Book (24-page booklet)
section 4 - Philip Glass 1 + 1 for One Player and Amplified Table-Top (single sheet musical score)
section 5 - 8" square flexi disc
section 6 - Steve Reich Pendulum Music & Richard Serra Lead Shot (single sheet with one work on each side)
section 7 - La Monte Young Notes on the Continuous Periodic Composite Sound Waveform Environment Realizations of Map of 49's Dream the Two Systems of Eleven Sets of Galactic Intervals Ornamental Lightyears Tracery (folded sheet with text)
section 8 - Yvonne Rainer Three Distributions (double sided folded sheet with diagram, text and photographs)
section 9 - Jo Baer Art & Vision: Mach Bands (20-page booklet)
section 10 - Jackson MacLow Introduction to the Young Turtle Asymmetries (single sided folded sheet with perforations to remove individual parts for performers)
section 11 - Robert Morris Los Angeles Project & Dennis Oppenheim Ecologic Projects (double sided poster)
section 12 - Robert Smithson Stata A Geophotographic Fiction (double sided poster)
section 13 - Edward Ruscha Parking Lot (double sided poster)
section 14 - Aspen order card